For my Thesis project during Winter quarter I designed and built a 220 square foot walk-through installation. The installation featured a variety of multisensory and interactive features. These included both motion reactive and sound reactive LEDs, fragmented mirrors paired with icicle lights, textured walls, balloons, and fabric.

Two black light flashlights were hidden in custom built boxes. When found, these flashlights revealed hidden writing on the walls. Invisible ink pens were hidden in two locations, and when found, participants used these to draw hidden drawings and addition writing.
Above you will find a detailed walkthrough video that I recorded of the installation after 50 participants had made there way through. Below you will find a series of photos attempting to document the internal experience, as well as some of its construction phase. Little did I know what was to come across the globe in those naïve, nascent weeks of 2022 while I labored away on this dream.

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